Why choose Western Eval?
Education consulting and evaluation are headed in new directions. Today's evaluations are about learning. Learning about the communities you support, the causes of social problems, and how your organization can be more effective than yesterday. We are your learning allies.
Thorough. Precise. Experienced. Research-inspired. These are just a few words that describe Western Eval.
Our goal is to provide the technical support to fuel positive change. Through consulting and evaluation services, we seek to refine and deepen our clients' understanding of their work, their objectives, their outcome measures, and the programs they build.
We apply our tools, experience, and intelligence to the same problems and work that you do. We work with you. Together. We aim to surface problems, provide solutions, and monitor results. We are partners in the vision to create a safer, healthier, and saner world for our children and grandchildren.
Our goal is simple. We provide you with the information and insights to make better-informed programmatic decisions.
Erik Dutilly, Ph.D. Founder and President of Western Eval.
A world in which program and project evaluation services are used widely by governments and front-line organizations to learn about and improve the human condition.
To provide affordable, efficient, timely, and precise consulting services to governments, foundations, schools, and non-profit organizations with the explicit purpose of co-engineering novel solutions to intractable social problems.
Guiding Principles